Friday 5 March 2010

Sing song

I've been going to a little community choir which has been a lot of fun. Actually it's an English language choir but I've still got to meet some very nice Germans there. We went out for drinks last night for the first time and everyone seems really nice. I guess community choirs are a big thing in England so this is the emergence of that in Berlin - and it's set to be huge! Every week more and more people turn up so I guess the idea is really taking off. What better way to get to know people than through a good sing song!? And not a classical 'let's get this Mozart piece absolutely perfect' sort of way but just a very related sing your heart out, haphazard sort of sing song. Great stuff!

Anyway, we went for drinks afterwards and I was talking to a girl there who said she does 'on the spot feminist poetry' which I thought sounded pretty cool! She said she was doing it in a group and apparently someone just points in your direction and you have a couple of minutes to just some up with whatever sort of empowering womanly poetry that comes into your head. She was also telling me about poetry evenings that they have in bars in Berlin - similar to the poetry live mic nights that they have all over London. I was getting super excited about the idea so will definitely try to check that out sometime!!

Anyway, I was thinking today about the powerful woman thing. Whenever I get down or my career isn't going the way I want it to go or things aren't working out in other areas of my life, the word that goes through my head to make myself feel better is just to try to be strong - ok I know how dorky that sounds right about now, but that's just what comes to mind! But anyway, I think the words 'powerful woman' sound so much more... well, powerful. (For some reason the word strong seems to conjure up images of just about hanging on in there for dear life - I guess it's just more of a passive word)

So I was thinking very generally about the powerful woman thing today and whooosh! I got sooo much work done I was pretty amazed - five freelance story proposals sent out, rang round a few magazines, worked on my German vocab, read some German magazines, sent off those emails I'd been putting off for a while... I guess they're only words but your inner dialogue can have a bit effect!

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