Friday 5 March 2010


Hello amigos, well the weather in Berlin has taken a sudden turn for the worse. After getting super excited with the feeling of spring coming it's suddenly gone freeeezing cold again. Yesterday it hailed and snowed and the ice started to gather on the pavements again.

For anyone living in Berlin this is a major bummer. For the last couple of months the ice on the pavements has been so thick you could literally ice skate along - the downside being that it took you ten hours to get anywhere at all and you were very likely to fall flat on your face at least ten times during any given journey. Apparently my arrival in Berlin sparked the worst winter since 1972, so yay! ;)

On the upside it was pretty adorable to see the ways that Berliners change when the snow comes. People just drag their kids along on sledges for example. They literally pack their toddlers on a sledge and trot off like so to the shops or to nursery school. Really cute to see!

On the issue of falling over, I once went for a coffee on Friedrichstrasse and took a seat next to the window. I'm not sure if my aura was to blame but ten people in a row fell over outside right in front of where I was sitting. It was literally like, whoomph!... wait a second... whoomph! And then I left the cafe and fell over too, so there to me! ;)

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