Monday 15 March 2010

Is it seriously snowing... AGAIN!?

Well even though I've spoken about the weather a few posts ago it was definitely turning into spring again! We had a couple of really beautiful sunny-ish days where I was almost tempted to head out for a jog! I've already told you about the MONTHS of snow that we had - which after my initial delight really turned out to be a major pain the arse... Seriously it takes you 10 hours to walk down the street, you can't wear cute shoes... and generally it's COLD and WET!

Hmmmm so after a really lovely couple of days - weeks even - I looked out of the window yesterday and was like 'what the heck!?' I couldn't believe my eyes - there was a thick layer of snow on the ground and covering the trees and roof tops.

Judging by all the horrified comments by my Berlin friends on Facebook, I know I'm not alone in thinking 'snow?... AGAIN??? Are you kidding!?'

I hope it doesn't stay for three months again this time!!

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