Monday 15 March 2010

Should I stay or should I go

Well I probably should have written at least three posts since my last one, so I guess I'll do a couple of micro blogs instead of writing about everything all in one giganticus essay! :)

Soooo... well anyway maybe the biggest thing I was feeling last week is that although I loooove Berlin, I was starting to feel really under the weather and just generally a bit fed up with everything - like the struggle to get freelance work and also feeling like a big huge Billly no mates at times. Don't get me wrong, I've met some really lovely people since I've been here but on the other hand, at this stage in my life (well that would be the ripe old age of 30! ;) there are certain things that I would like to achieve and obviously that's not going to happen If I'm out partying every night. The flip side of that is that because I'm staying in a lot and working on my book etc, I'm not really experiencing Berlin in the way that it's meant to be experienced.

Well that just got me thinking that If I'm not experiencing the full extent of Berlin's wonders, then maybe I shouldn't be here at all! Is that a nuts or defeatist attitude to have? Hmmm...

So anyway, I am kind of thinking should I just move back to Dubai at least until I finish my book and get my freelance career of the ground?

Perks of Dubai:
  • Lovely boyfriend who I miiiiissss!
  • Sunny weather.
  • No rent (lovely boyfriend ;)
  • I could take up scuba diving again.
  • I could set up a German group to keep up with my language progress - could be fun! :)
Why Dubai would suck:
  • Horribly sunny weather - like stepping into an oven yanked up high.
  • Nothing to do other than go to bars and drink - even though this is technically illegal without an alcohol license and could get you thrown into jail.
  • Any 'activities' that I would like to do such as taking an art or language class cost astronomically high prices!
  • Would like to do some sort of volunteer work but when I tried this the last time I lived there I was told flat out by several local charities that they already had far too many volunteers - obviously there are either far too many Jumeirah Janes (otherwise know as wealthy white Western housewives) with time on their hands or other similarly conscientious or even not so conscientious people who are despairing with the fact that there is absolutely nothing to do in this place... hmmmm now how was that for a rant!? ;)
  • Most of my friends either moved away just before I left or since I left - hence could end up being a big Billy no mates! ;)
  • You're always looking over your shoulder - will I get jailed for giving my bf a peck on the cheek, will someone dobb us in for living together etc. The consequences for seemingly normal things by Western standards can be huge!
Reasons to live in Berlin:
  • Berlin is one of the most beautiful places I've seen in my life... and I've seen a lot of places! :)
  • Intellectually stimulating environment.
  • Loads to do - everything I've pretty much ever even vaguely considered doing is on the menu here - singing, dancing, yoga, eye yoga, singing yoga - hey you could even strip off and dance around with fire cracker up your arse (as I saw yesterday and will tell in another post - and no that's not on my to do list!! lol).
  • I've met some really great people here (interesting, fun, intelligent) and it would be great to stay and get to hang out with them some more.
  • There's nothing like Berlin in the summer - the place really comes alive. Would be really sad to miss that!
  • Beautiful cafes and libraries that you can work in or just read a book and spend a really lovely day.
Reasons not to live in Berlin:
  • Too many distractions.
  • Sometimes I wish I had some old friends lying around. Would be so lovely to have my bf here and just be me without all that getting to know you type of conversation. Sometimes I look around me and am so amazed by this beautiful place but on the other hand it's easy to feel lonely too...
  • Right now it's cooooold!!!!
  • I feel like there's no point being here if I'm not experiencing it fully.
  • I feel like maybe I would get some more work done in boring old Dubai!! lol... hmmm
Well I guess all in all the benefits of living in Berlin clearly outweigh the benefits of living in Dubai. Maybe I just need to sit it out... I guess those fleeting feelings of isolation really come with the territory of being an expat and moving to a new place. I know it won't last for ever. Maybe all I need is a good old moan! ;)

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