Sunday 28 February 2010


Wow, well I've been meaning to set up this blog for yonks! I've been in Berlin for about four months now and after a good few months of enthusiastic plans, followed by idle procrastination I'm finally getting my arse in gear and writing up my long awaited Berlin adventure.

Ok, so first things first, what am I doing in Berlin? - I guess that's the question that most people ask. Well I came here on holiday a few times and every time I loved it even more. I'd always wondered what it would be like to live here, so finally one day I packed my little suitcase and here I am. I didn't know any people here when I first came but have met some pretty cool people since and so far so good. Until now my plan has been to spruce up my German (and a little French) and to freelance. The former is going ok but thanks to the whole procrastination thing, the latter is still a work in progress.

Before I came here I was working what seemed like every hour of the day in a high stress job in Dubai. Although I always dreamed about coming to Berlin, the final push to make the move came when I was made redundant from my job. The recession came as a blessing in disguise. Luckily I had some savings to see me through a few months, and I've used my time to explore a beautiful new city and throw myself into a new life. I've joined some great little groups, learned how to sing, learned how to make my own clothes, read some great books in some lovely little cafes - and even started to write a book of my own.

People say that to be reborn you have to die an emotional death first - and I guess my redundancy was my death and Berlin my rebirth. It hasn't all been plain sailing, I left my amazing boyfriend back in Dubai - skype is great! :) - and there are also days when I'm fed up of making new friends and just wish I had some old friends in town to hang out with. But for the most part the benefits of being here outweigh the bad. For me this is truly one of the most amazing places in the world - so full of character and charm that sometimes it takes my breath away. Since coming here I've learned what it's like to really fall in love with a city. I hope I can share some of those experiences with you.

Thanks for reading... until next time... over and out! :)